Fulton County Arts & Culture, in collaboration with MARTA Artbound, Arts and Entertainment Atlanta, and Microsoft, will celebrate the launch of the new Public Art Futures Lab on April 21 from noon to 2:30 p.m. at Underground Atlanta.
The new Public Art Futures Lab investigates the relationship between art and technology, with the goal of providing a community-wide tech-enabled art experience. The county now provides studio space for artists-in-residence and exhibition space for citizens and other artists thanks to its collaboration with Underground Atlanta.
Fulton County awarded three Emerging Art + Tech Education Stipends to TeMika Grooms, DeSitaa Lipscomb, and Jamaali Lipscomb. Grooms will continue her mixed reality research, while the Lipscomb siblings will investigate NFTs and interactive media applications. Stipend awardees will use the Lab’s educational programming to share their knowledge with the arts community.
The Fulton County Public Art Futures Lab and its partners collaborated to create an Artist-in-Residency Program to give artists the opportunity to explore emerging forms of creativity through the use of technology to solve real-world problems. The Public Art Futures Lab’s mission is to ensure that Fulton County Government and the Atlanta region play a national leadership role in advancing the adoption of technology in the arts.