On Wednesday, the Indian Academy of Fine Arts (IAFA) held its 9th summer art camp and festival at the art gallery. After a two-year break owing to the pandemic, the summer art camp will reopen with morning and evening sessions for children, including painting, sculpting, and mural courses, as well as calligraphy and drawing, resin and ceramic craft, dance and music classes, and a theatre workshop.
Narinder Singh, Rahul Kumar, Bharti Malhotra, Latika Arora, and theatre artist Vishal Sharma are among the senior artists who have participated in the month-long summer art workshop. The goal of reviving the summer art programmes for kids, according to Shivdev Singh, president of the IAFA and chairman of the organising committee, was to impart training and promote awareness among young ambitious gifted youngsters and assist them grow into mature and skilled artists. He stated that mentors and skilled artists will conduct regular classes in many visual and graphic genres of art and performing arts through seminars, demonstrations, and audio-visual media on a daily basis for six days a week.
He stated that the gallery would continue to hold art events, including exhibitions, weekly performing arts events, and literary events free to the public. On the first day of the art camp, youngsters aged 6 to 16 participated in a variety of painting classes.
The summer art camp session will end on June 30 and will be followed by a performance of ‘Saukan’ this weekend.