Experience a peaceful Ramadan at FORM Hotel Dubai with a special early bird offer! Book before Feb 16th to get a 10% discount on your stay, making it a serene getaway for the entire holy season and ensuring that your experience is not only enriching but also budget-friendly.
Located in the vibrant Al Jaddaf district, FORM Hotel not only offers convenience but also boasts breathtaking panoramic views of Dubai’s skyline. Enjoy the tranquil atmosphere in the hotel’s cosy rooms, creating a perfect setting for moments of reflection and spiritual connection. The ambience is carefully curated to foster a sense of calm, allowing you to fully embrace the essence of Ramadan within the hotel. It’s more than just accommodation; it’s an invitation to create lasting memories during this sacred time.
Begin your day with a peaceful Suhoor experience before sunrise, setting the tone for a blessed day. In the evening, break your fast with a delicious Iftar at a 25% discount on the set menu, savouring a variety of tasty dishes. This culinary journey promises to satisfy your palate and make your Iftar a memorable and delicious experience. Additionally, take advantage of a late checkout at 4 pm, giving you extra time for prayer and reflection.