Art is principally suitable for conveying ideas. Whether artwork is in writing, painting or sculpture; it can transform complex concepts into understandable symbols, and in certain instances, it can cross the boundaries of language and culture. When art gains symbolic value, it can become the focal point of the movement. Through the ages, art has typically been created from valuable materials. Gold, ivory, and gemstones adorn medieval crowns, and even the paints utilized by Renaissance artists were made of rare materials like lapis lazuli, ground into pigment.
Deeksha Rao is an Indian Artist, who specializes in CD artworks, pink aesthetics, and landscape art. Her social media feed is filled with pink and purple aesthetics, calling out to all the pink and purple lovers. Her videos and artworks are so calming and aesthetically pleasing to watch that it makes one want to keep watching and looking for more.
Her artwork has a strong intention to portray. Through her gorgeous artistry she wants to spread the importance of following one’s passion, and also wants to share the message that one doesn’t have to be perfect. Art is meant to be creative and alluring, it is not meant to be perfect.
Her message to the fellow artisans is, “Your art is beautiful, don’t compare yourself to other artists out there, everyone has their own style, and everyone has their own pace of learning.” Everyone is different and has a different sense of creating art. Her greatest inspiration is herself. She believes if she can’t motivate herself, nobody can motivate her. Rao’s favorite idol is Noor, who is also known as @artsypeach who also creates very aesthetically pleasing pieces. According to her the importance of art for a student is the positivity that fills up when you do art. Often students are pressurized into so many things and she believes art is a solution to alleviate one’s way of thinking