“The works are pervaded by energy and strength, rendered through the spatula technique, with an intense chromatic range” says Guiseppe

Giuseppe Barbale was born in Novara, where he still lives and has his studio. During his childhood he was fascinated by the iron sculptures created by his father, and soon began to experiment with this technique himself. In the following years, attracted by street art, he began to paint, using different materials and media, in the continuous search to express his creativity, until in 2014 he found in abstract painting his language of choice.
He has exhibited in numerous exhibitions both in Italy and abroad; in 2019 in Mantua on the occasion of the International Biennial “Artexpo 2019”, in Paris at the Carrousel du Louvre for the international exhibition “Art Shopping”, in Beijing at the “Calm Belt Gallery” on the occasion of the event “Regards croisés Paris Séoul Pekin” and in the same year in Cologne at La Kunstraub gallery in the event “Regards croisés Paris-Cologne”; from 2018 to 2020 in Novara on the occasion of the contemporary art exhibitions “Art Expression” “Opus” and “Finissage”, in 2021 at Yudian Gallery in Hangzhou in the event “Rhapsody”and in 2022 at the “Galleria Angelica” in the event “Contemporary Art International Festival”.

His works are present in the collection of the Copelouzos Museum in Athens and in several private collections abroad, from the United States to China. Giuseppe Barbale’s works are born from instinct, from creative freedom and from what the artist defines as “an artistic trance”, which allows him to channel his emotions and transfer them on the canvas.
For this reason he paints with acrylic on canvas, a technique that allows tight execution times and therefore the possibility to make emotions immediately visible through the material, the signs and the color. “The works are pervaded by energy and strength, rendered through the spatula technique, with an intense chromatic range” says Guiseppe, where yellow and red predominate, together with shades of orange and blue, which distinguish his artistic language. The layers of color are often intertwined with black strokes, which run through the paintings creating a particular dynamism. Sometimes veils of lighter shades are superimposed on his variegated world and seem to want to curb the different drives.
In many of Giuseppe Barbale’s works, therefore, “The creative and instinctual energy predominates, running through the canvases in a whirlwind of emotions” says Giueseppe. The artist also investigates another language, which starts from the same premises but creates a harmonious order of the backgrounds, so as to give life often to an orderly alternation of colors, which juxtaposing or overlapping, create the sense of the third dimension. On the canvas new pictorial spaces are formed in this way. These are the works created from memories and dreams of metropolitan cities, pervaded by the energy of contemporary life, skylines that seem to be reflected on mirrors of water and memories.
Giuseppe Barbale succeeds in fusing creative instinct and harmony, creativity with memory and the unconscious, giving the viewer abstract paintings full of strength, reflecting the positive energy and wonderful vitality of the artist.