Anuja Aggarwal is an Indian mixed media artist who also specializes in alcohol ink art. Alcohol inks were initially more about fluid abstract art. She tried to give it some other form and soon began to create her style of veined flowers. With more experimentation and practice she started creating a variety of artworks.
To achieve better control over your skills and opening your mind to new possibilities; practicing it over and over is essential. Anuja believes maintaining consistency in any field you work in is the key to finding success. The artist’s Instagram page @anujaaggarwal is filled with paintings that she created almost every day over the past two years. She also has a set of online video tutorials for alcohol ink art on her website

According to her, the most important thing in your art is to enjoy the process of completing it. “I don’t worry about the results before I start working on any piece. When I am immersed in the process, I find that I can come up with something new and unique. I let the inks take control and guide me. I want to express that freedom of creation without judgment through my art”, she says. The enticing process causes creativity to flow out spontaneously and that is reflected in the art.
“Consider art as your source of happiness. Creating art is a meditative state of mind that can help you express, feel, and be in your world. Don’t think about making art only to sell, think about making it for yourself”, Anuja says. Her inspiration is derived from ‘Mother Nature’ as it’s the colossal artist and always puts everyone in awe. Through the technique of free-flowing fluids and the amalgamation of abstract fluidity, she gives rise to an exquisite outcome.

She thoroughly admires the works of Freida Kahlo, Vincent Van Gogh, and Gustave Klimt. Her message to other fellow artists is, “Art is all about enjoying the process. Keep creating what you like; listen to your heart. Don’t worry about failed attempts; each piece won’t be a masterpiece, but it would be a step in the right direction.”
During the lockdown, Anuja was introduced to a whole new perspective about art. She was a firm believer that art could only be taught in person. But due to the massive requests from aspiring artists, she started offering online workshops every month. Now, through these workshops, her techniques reach a larger crowd and people from all over the world join in to learn from her.